Wednesday 13 May 2009


Went for a walk in the afternoon with Camille--a dutch guy and he Jo and I had a drink in the local bar. He mentioned Dinner and Jo and I said We were going to look at cooking something and were going to the shop. He came to and seemed to be buying a lot of stuff---pasta.onions sauce--and I thought he must have been buying for the 3 of us---but I neened to check--a difficult job---But asked are you getting food for the 3 of us---he wasn.t but said thats a good idea and bought a bit extra---then he did all the cooking and serving while Jo and I were hanging around like bad smells---so we decided to pay him for the cost of ALL the ingredients (6E) instead of sharing the cost. It 3was a delicious meal and Jo and I also did all the washing up. I was put in a room with 6 Finnish women and a Guy. Going to bed one of the women told me that they were all getting up at 5.15---she just wanted to warn me. What she didnt warn me about was the the guy was a champion snorer---perhaps not in world class ---I met HIM on the last canino---but this guy could have snored for Finland. Had a poor nights sleep what with the snoring and my inflamed foot. Decided to get up at 5.15 with the rest of them and wrote up my diary in the extra time I had waiting for Jo


Maz said...

Hope your foot is getting better. I miss our morning 'chats' so just hanging out to get your blog!. Are you finding it easier this time round or harder? My thoughts are with you when I go for my 3o minute walk in the morning and thinking how much further another 4 or so hours would be - and carrying your home on your back!! Love you

Fliss said...

Oh Chris - I'm saying prayers that your foot heals miraculously - look after yourself or I'll stop watering your plants and feeding your cat:)

Following you both closely - heal heal....