Tuesday 19 May 2009


I had an order in for a massage and the volunteer (Hungarian woman about30) was ready for me. What I didnt realise was that she was to give it to me on the floor beside her reception desk---I went and got my mattress---it barely fitted between her desk and the dining table where a curious diner was sitting. It was 10E for 20 minutes so decided to concentrate her on my biggest need--a sore right shoulder--and a spot about as big as a 50cent piece in particular---I told her about it after a couple of minutes but she had her routine and was VERY focussed on it. When I reminded her again after 15 minutes, she told me that my whole body needed to be in balance, in other words my sore spot was not going to get any more attention than any other spot.thanked her gracefully---Jo wanted a spot on her hip seen to but I felt I could do a better job with that so told her to save her 10 E. Caught up with 2 Canadian ladies yesterday---one retired Mirian and one about to Katie. They said they were both desperate for a conversation in English so we sat and chatted to them for a couple of hours . They were both in out room of 6 at Atapuerca---our last stop. We just ran into them again in Burgos--they were staying in a hotel for 40 E. Les and Trudi and Tom cooked A delicious Tortilla (just Les actually) for the 5 of us last night. They were also staying in a hotel here---Les had paid 80 E on his own when he was here 4 years ago and was going to stay at the same place again---Strangely? he is trying to stay with his wife and son at the same places ---the same albergues that he stayed in on his own 4 years ago---to each his on---I have doubled up on a few as well--repeating the good places but happy to change the ordinary ones.. Had a big feed after we settled in---we were both starving---but have been eating pretty well and were getting things for breakfast each day, the day before---didnt do this last time ---that may explain my weight loss last time.. Till next time


Maz said...

I leave you alone for a day and you get two posts in!!! You seem to be having so much fun Where is the apin and suffering If it goes on like this you might get us all over there next time!!! Love and hugs and more beautiful days. Maz

Anonymous said...

So good the follow your journey. Suprisingly it doesn't sound as if there are too many pilgrims and you are finding accomodation easily. And the weather sounds to be surprisingly coolerr that I would have thought for this time. I miss the eating. I ate so well there. Loved the food and the appetite to go with it....and still manage to lose some weight.