Thursday 21 May 2009

At Itero de la Vega--Day 17--350 KMS

Found a computer for the 2nd day in a row !!! but we,re staying in the smaller places across the Meseta so that may not continue. Last night we caught up with Les and Trudi and Tom from Port Macquarie---they had had a rest day in Burgos and then walked the 32 Kms that we had walked in 2 days, in one day. Trudi was sporting some large blisters. Today we,ve just seen them again and had a bite of lunch with them ---they were headed on a further 8 kms than the 22kms we did today. I finished with a lot more energy today---but have had a flareup of the inflammation in my right foot again---was off the anti-inflammatories for 2 days but will go back on them again---if anyone has some metaphysical data, am happy? to be hit between the eyes. Jo and I were both in tears last night over a lovely fish dinner---hard to explain---you had to be there---but they were good tears---we weren,t fighting. Came across 2 old Spanish villagers today in the middle of nowhere--at the end of a tiring stretch---the had lovely oranges and bananasso Jo got us one of each---How much---nothing!!---they had a basket if people wanted to donate something---so Jo did. Then a lady came and asked for a coca-cola---as if---but he had a tiny esky as well and pulled out a can of coke. We,re staying in a place with Katie and Mirian from Canada, a couple from Kirribilli who started 4 days after us--but they have caught a few buses and a Kiwi pair. Both well and fit and in high spirits


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the meseta is buzzing with people - and a few aussies to boot. Want to hear more about the fish. love fliss

Maz said...

Yep, definitely fish stories on the agenda when you get home!! You both seem to be flying through with not TOO much trouble. Probably all the work you put in beforehand and on the track as well. Keep it up and enjoy the mesata . Our thoughts are with you and sending healing through cyberspace for your foot.

Anonymous said...

You've past San Bol...I meant to write you to suggest a stay there. Have heard magical things about it. Or at least drop in for a cuppa (if they still have their sign out) for a sticky beak. Next time.