Saturday 16 May 2009

Azofra to Villafranca montes de oca 51kms

we have stepped up the pace again after a few quiet days. 3 aussies from Port Macquarie---Les and Trudi and son Tom suggested that Redecilla was a good place to stay as last time Les was there in 2005 they put on a communal meal. Sorry to say things have changed since then---not only was there no communal meal but there were no meals at all and a couple of rounds of the small village suggested that there was no shop either. Finally we stumbled across it , the woman behind the bar had a little alcove next to the bar where she sold a few things from. So Jo and I got 6 eggs and a tomato---a real one (I.d forgotten what they tasted like)and some cheese and crusty bread---There seems to be no other kind in Spain---all french loaves which are converted into Bocadillas (bread rolls) . Anyway between us we did a lovely omlette and sat with the 3 aussies for an hour or so. Up at 545 this morning and rang Nige and Maz oh so briefly for about 2 minutes for about 6E for his birthday---got cut off twice and lost our money (memo to self---get a phone card) Jo and I walking on our own a lot today--much of the time not seeing anyone in front of us or behind us. Got into Villafranca 25kms about 130---we had had 2x 20 minute breaks- at the second one we both took our boots and sox to give our feet a chance to cool down. Jo has been happy with the top bunks and me with the bottom bunks---for the first time i.m on a top bunk-- I find it a bit more awkward?---you cant put things under your bed for instance. Once weve booked in and had our beds allocated by the person in charge we go into the same routine every day---wash sox and undies and shirt and hang them out to give them maximum time in the sun and have a shower and put on clean clothes which become tomorrows walking outfit. The sun doesnt set until 9 and the clothes are normally dry by then. The weather has been absolutely perfect for walking---almost. Yesterday it was quite cold---maybe 5C but I went out with shorts ,cotton shirt and light jacket and no gloves---Jo beside me was wrapped up to withstand Antarticia. I thought I.d warm up as I have every other day---but within about 10 minutes I was a big block of ice. Jo helpfully suggested I might want to put something warmer on so i stopped ---had to take EVERYTHING out of my backpack---the gloves were right at the bottom-- put everything back and did it all up and then discovered that I.d forgotton to leave out the leggings to zip onto my shorts---so unpacked everything again---put on gloves anfd lggings and extra t shirt and finally I was warm---I was glad I stopped ---it stayed cold for about 3 hours but a sunny day--Jo patiently waited for me


Maz said...

It was so fantaistsc to hear your voices. I was quite choked up and you both sounded so full of energy. And to remember Nige's birthday - one up on his kids!!! It gave me a real sense of your trip - whispering in the early morning, raring to get on the raod after a long 27 km the day before. Wow.Keeping you in our thoughts.

Fliss said...

it's fantastic reading your blog then Jo's blog and getting different details about the same events - so gorgeous what you each choose to describe. Glad you got warm - hope you stay that way :) Tons of love always