Sunday 14 September 2014


When we walked into the main street here , the street was full of people---very unusual for a Spanish town-- and therewas a procession coming towards us---when the streets are only 12 feet wide it can be a problem---but we squashed ourselves into the wall while Anne recorded it all on video. the hotel receptionist told us it was the towns annual festival---and they were about to have a running of the bulls down the main street---which was right below our first floor window. What fun---however the local youths/prospestive bullfighters were pretty tentative at taking the bulls on---though we saw one brave lad make it to the end of the street being chased by the bulls.
We got a room without a bath to save money---but got a bath anyway---after a week of walking in the hot sun it was heaven!!!! A great place to recuperate for a few hours.Our hats off to you William and Coralie who have just completed the Camino---you continue to inspire us

1 comment:

Coralie Boag said...

Buen Camino Chris and Anne, and sorry we forgot to mention that we had carried out a few roadworks and topographical changes ... and selfishly organised for the hot weather to be later in the year. So congratulations for your achievements: just walking is a great one - let alone carrying those packs and sleeping with snorers. Remember we cheated, but hope that doesn't mean we inspire you less.

Must remember the bandaged knee + dr's letter trick for next time!, though I have encountered it before in India.

From this safe distance, would love to be there with you.
Love, Coralie and William