Saturday 6 June 2009


So much news -so little time. Had an alternative route out of Villafranca---but were told you had to be extremely fit and have no trouble with knees, ankles or feet. I thought 1 out of 4 was OK--nothing wrong with my ankles---so I set off on the very steep 400m climb---12kms--Took a stop at the top and limped away from the stop but came good after a while. Went to Herrerias--Jo avoided the hill and still feeling fit went on 3km further---She mumbled something about me not being in charge of her and not knowing what was best for her---and said she had a really good night on her own---clearly lying to cover up her poor decision making. Next morning came across a couple of Canadians who said äre you Jos brother¨¨They had had dinner with her the night before and she had given them a rough description--rough being the operative word---havent shaved for 4 weeks. Got to the high point without too much drama and went on to Fonfria last night---lovely homecooked communal meal. In Samos today---trying to do 22km a day average but my toes are very painful today--AFTER the walk---hopefully they will be better tomorrow

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